Coastal People

Director of Training
Personal Notes
When not spending time with her daughter, Suzanna enjoys hand-work crafts: knitting, crocheting, and cross-stitching. She also loves volunteering! Every other Saturday she tutors GED candidates in Math. Suzanna and her daughter are also a part of Food Not Bombs – where they make gallons of homemade lemonade every Sunday that they then serve in City Heights to anyone who is thirsty.
Professional Background
Before graduating from San Diego State University in 2011 with a degree in Mathematics, Suzanna managed a record store and loved it! Once she finished school, she put those math skills to work as a Software Training Specialist. After accumulating three years of training and software experience, Suzanna switched paths and joined Coastal Payroll in July of 2015; she has been loving work ever since!
Key Strengths